This is Sheena's Index Page for navigating to her web pages.

		Just place your mouse on the bar at the left and links 
		to all of Sheena's pages will appear.   
If the menubar isn't working for you just go to
the link table at the bottom of the page :-)

Firstly Sheena sends her apologies for no updates in the last two months as her Dad has had a very low grade bug and has been to ill to deal with the page up-dates.   It has also been noted that many of Sheena's following have gone over to the Terrier Club  which is a a very good site to find out some really neat Westie stuff :-)   As a result the monthly voting has been "sporatic" at best and has not generated a flow to consider a monthly "Best Westie" Picture from the Gallery pages.   We are going to leave the Voting Boxes up and will consider them every month if there is enough interest but will mainly up date this feature picture based on special pictures received from Sheena's fans.   To this end.... this month we feature Milo and Molly located on Gallery Page 13 who have sent us a picture on the Easter theme of this page.   So in future there will be two ways to get in on Sheena's Pages.. 1.  send in a theme picture of the monthly holiday or other pertinent worthy item (like support for the troops, etc.) or
2. get lots of votes in to win the honor for the month :-)

While at our pages drop us a line at any time.

  Page updated:   April 2nd,   2003  

Guess who just got a hair cut?   See Picture

If the menu bar doesn't work for you above use this table to go to Sheena's Pages.

Navigate to Sheenas other pages
Also go to the Menubar Page for access to monthly winners and be sure to VOTE for your favorite Westie on GALLERY PAGE #1, : or as indicated above, : send your special theme picture for consideration.


'Good Dog' Site Award

Canines of America's Top Dog Award!