Dear friends:
I want to tell you about Bonnie. Her story is short as was her life.
This picture was taken when she was 7 1/2 wks. old. She was a playful, inquisitive, smart and a loving Westie puppy. She was adorable and we were
She went for her "puppy" check at 8 wks. She had ear mites and a good case of round worms. The Vet gave her "Revolution" to cover both and to prevent heart worms. She had a gradual decline afterwards, but by 72 hrs., she was obviously ill and exhibiting every symptom listed under the Revolution literature's "adverse reactions." By 96 hrs. post Revolution, she was seriously ill. After 1 horrific week, she was dead! This was almost 9 days after receiving the Revolution. She was just 9 wks. old.
Extensive lab work done the last week of her life showed "anemia with an active inflammation and appearance of systemic toxicity affecting liver and kidney." I have been told that conditions other than drugs can cause a
toxicity. We had hoped the autopsy would answer many questions but it did not. In summary it said "definitive cause of clinical signs and death unestablished." What is more significant in the autopsy is what it didn't find. All body tissues and organs were normal. No liver shunt was found. She did not die from round worm infestation.
Although levels of Revolution can be tested, toxic levels are not known. Therefore, knowing the levels of Revolution would not be of much value. A positive result of Revolution's blood-brain barrier penetration may have been significant data, but Bonnie's brain was inadvertently formalin fixed with no brain tissue frozen so this test was not able to be done.
My purpose is simply to share this information. I think there is something to be learned here from breeder to pet owner to veterinarian. The decisions we make concerning our pets is only as good as the information we have.
Jeanne C.