In Memory of
March 20, 1989 to April 6, 2001
I never had a dog
before, you were my first. You were so
tiny with floppy ears and a confident attitude.
When you kissed my face that first time, I just fell
head over heels in love with you.
I thought I was fully prepared for you when I brought you
home, the one thing I had forgotten was a leash and
I put you in the bathroom so you’d be safe.
I put the shower curtain inside the tub, took out the
trash can and took my robe off the back of the door.
I figured you’d be safe and couldn’t do much damage either.
I was only gone for 15 minutes. I
opened the bathroom door and the one thing I hadn’t thought
of was the one thing you had to play with - the toilet
paper. It was everywhere, behind and
around the toilet, all over the floor but most of all
wrapped all around you. You were completely
covered except for one ear, one eye and your wagging
tale! I just sat on the floor and laughed
The joy you brought me that day, you continued to
bring me through your whole life. My best
friend? You were with me through every crisis,
you licked all my tears, you sighed when I sighed -
you snored in my ear! You won the hearts of
those who said they hated animals, you let children
poke you in the eyes and ears and pull your tale - you never
growled or complained? Even when we brought home
a little kitten Tess, you were brave.
But time took its toll and your little body became so frail,
but you didn't complain. I wish I were as brave
as you were, I will never forget our last moments
together as you comforted me - you were ready and knew I
wasn’t. You closed your eyes so peacefully in
my arms and now the quiet is so loud, I almost can’t
bear it. I never realized all the little sounds
you made. I rejoice to know now that you’re
with Jesus and you’re whole, healthy, happy and
running around. I know you will be there
waiting for me, but I can’t help being sad that you
aren’t here with me. Who will lick the tears
from my face, who will protect me from the thunder
at night? My Quincy, you will always be
in our hearts and we will love you forever.
Love, Mommy, Adam and Tess

Beyond the Rainbow
As much as I loved the life we had and all the times we played,
I was so very tired and knew my time on earth would fade.
I saw a wondrous image then of a place that's trouble free,
where all of us can meet again to spend eternity.
I saw the most beautiful rainbow and on the other side
were meadows rich and beautiful lush and green and wide!
And running through the meadows as far as the eye could see
were every sort of animal, as healthy as could be!
My own tired failing body was fresh and healed and new
and I wanted to go run with them but I had something left to
do. I needed to reach out to you to tell you
I'm alright, that this place is truly wonderful - then
a bright glow pierced the night. 'Twas the glow
of many candles shining bright and strong and bold and I
knew then that it held your love in it's brilliant shades of
For although we may not be together in the way we used to be
we are still connected by a cord that no eye can ever see.
So whenever you need to find me we're never far apart
if you look beyond the rainbow and listen with your heart.
Author unknown