Sheena the Wonderdog from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Sheena has been honored to be placed as a guest on Joschi's Pet Album.
Please go and see her there AND VOTE FOR HER.

This art work was gratefully provided by Felicity who has a Westie called Schooner.
You can see Schooner on our Gallery Page #5
or you can also see him on his own Web Page
Come and look at the rest of our Westie Pages. Don't forget to look
at our Gallery Pages and send a picture of your Westie. Be sure to
VOTE for your favourite Westie.
This page updated Jan. 6th, 2002
While at our pages be sure to drop us a line at any time.
Barking dog provided by Felicity. Copying or reproduction for use elsewhere is prohibited unless approval has been received by emailing the webmaster of this page.